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AJIT DOVAL reappointed NSA with Cabinet rank

The government reappointed retired Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Ajit Doval as National Security Adviser (NSA),according him a C abinet rank. He becomes the first NSA to get Cabinet Status in the table of precedence. In his previous stint as an NSA, he had the stature of a Minister of State  (MoS). According to one official, the decision was taken since Mr. Doval leads strategic dialogues with many countries and a Cabinet rank would facilitate his interactions with the most senior officials. According to another official, the need to bestow a Cabinet rank on Mr. Doval was felt in the wake of the appointment of former Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar as the External Affairs Minister Last week. In the Past, the two have differed on various issues pertaining to foreign policy.The other civil servants in the present Cabinet like Hardeep Puri, Arjun Ram Meghwal, and R.K Singh have an MoS rank. Mr. Jaishankar , a 1977 batch IFS officer, was appointed as Foregin Secretary in January...

Cabinet Ministera List 2019

मंत्रियों का नाम                                                                 1. नरेंद्र मोदी (प्रधानमंत्री) 2. राजनाथ सिंह (कैबिनेट मंत्री) रक्षा मंत्रालय 3. अमित शाह (कैबिनेट मंत्री) गृह मंत्रालय 4. नितिन गडकरी (कैबिनेट मंत्री) सड़क परिवहन एवं राजमार्ग और सूक्ष्म, लघु एवं मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय 5. सदानंद गौड़ा (कैबिनेट मंत्री) रसायन एवं उर्वरक मंत्रालय 6. निर्मला सीतारमण (कैबिनेट मंत्री) वित्त एवं कॉरपोरेट मामले का मंत्रालय 7. राम विलास पासवान (कैबिनेट मंत्री) उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य एवं सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालय 8. नरेंद्र सिंह तोमर (कैबिनेट मंत्री) कृषि एवं किसान कल्याण, ग्रामीण विकास और पंचायती राज मंत्रालय 9. रविशंकर प्रसाद (कैबिनेट मंत्री) कानून एवं न्याय, संच...

Some New fact about Haryana

Some Measurements factor : 1: एक गज=3फूट 2: एक फलॉग=220 गज 3: एक मील में 1760 गज, 8फलॉग यानि 220*8=1760 4:एक कर्म=66इंच 5:-एक मर्ला=272 वर्ग फूट 6: कर्म का दूसरा नाम=सरसाही 7: एक मर्ला में=9 कर्म 8: एक कनाल में मर्ले=20 9: एक एकड़ मे मर्ले=160 10: एकड़ का दूसरा नाम=कीला 11: एक एकड़ में कनाल=8 12:एक एकड़ में कर्म=36*40=1440कर्म 13:एक कनाल में विसवासी=240 14:एक मर्ले मे बिसवासी=12 15:एक बिसवे मे बिसवासी=20 16:एक बीघे मे बिसवे=20 17:एक एकड़ मे बिसवे=96 18:एक एकड़ मे बीघे=4.8 19:एक कनाल में वर्ग मीटर=505*8385 20:एक एकड मे वर्ग मीटर=4046*7091 21:-एक बिलियन=एक अरब रुपये 22:एक फूट में =30.48 सैंटीमीटर 23: एक गज मे मीटर=0.9144 24:एक मीटर में इंच=39.3708 25:-एक मील में किलोमीटर=1.609 26:एक किलोमीटर मे=0.32137227 मील 27: एक वर्ग किलोमीटर मे=0391 वर्गमील 28:एक वर्ग मील में=2.59 वर्ग किलोमीटर 29:एक सैंटीमीटर=0.3937 इंच 30:एक मिलियन=10लाख रुपय 31:एक मीटरिक टन=10 किवंटल 32:-पक्का या शाहजहानी बीघा एक एकड़ का हिस्सा=5/8 33:कच्चा बीघा एक एकड़ का हिस्सा=5/24भाग 34: एक मीटर में इंच=39.3701 35: 99 इंच के ...

Vehicle no. Plate codes of Haryana

हरियाणा के नंबर प्लेट के कोड जानो : HR-01 अम्बाला HR-02 यमुनानगर HR-03 पंचकुला HR-04 नारायणगढ़ HR-05 करनाल HR-06 पानीपत HR-07 कुरुक्षेत्र HR-08 कैथल HR-09 गुहला HR-10 सोनीपत HR-11 गोहाना HR-12 रोहतक HR-13 बहादुरगढ़ HR-14 झज्जर HR-15 महम HR-16 भिवानी HR-17 सिवानी HR-18 लोहारु HR-19 चरखी दादरी HR-20 हिसार HR-21 हांसी HR-22 फतेहाबाद HR-23 टोहाना HR-24 सिरसा HR-25 डबवाली HR-26 गुडगाँव (नार्थ) HR-27 नूह HR-28 फिरोज़पुर झिरका HR-29 बल्लबगढ़ HR-30 पलवल HR-31 जीन्द HR-32 नरवाना HR-33 सफीदों HR-34 मोहिन्दरगढ़ HR-35 नारनौल HR-36 रेवाड़ी HR-37 अम्बाला (कमर्शियल) HR-38 फरीदाबाद (कमर्शियल) HR-39 हिसार (कमर्शियल) HR-40 असंध HR-41 पेहोवा HR-42 गनौर HR-43 कोसली HR-44 एल्लेनबाद HR-45 करनाल (कमर्शियल) HR-46 रोहतक (कमर्शियल) HR-47 रेवाड़ी (कमर्शियल) HR-48 तोशाम HR-49 कालका HR-50 होडल HR-51 फरीदाबाद HR-52 हथीन HR-53 आदमपुर HR-54 अम्बाला- बरारा HR-55 गुडगाँव (कमर्शियल) HR-56 जींद (कमर्शियल) HR-57 सिरसा (कमर्शियल) HR-58 जगाधरी- यमुनानगर (कमर्शियल) HR-59 रतिया HR-60 समालखा HR-61 भिवानी (कमर्शियल) HR-62 फतेहा...

Marriage Laws and Woman's Rights

Marriage Laws and Woman's Rights SIR Grorge Knox of the Allahabad High Court disposed of and interesting appeal regarding the rights of a married Hindu women of 18 years of age who was compelled to live with her husband against her will. Her husband brought a suit against her in the Munsiff's Court at Saharanpur for restitution of xonjugsl rights and a decree was passed ordering her to live with her husband. She did not obey the order and her husband requested that she might be detained in prison till she obeyed. The district Court Judge granted this application on the gground that the woman had been given ample opportunity to comply with the decree but had failed to do so. It was alleged that she was under the influence of her brother who was at the bottom of the trouble. On the woman appealing to the High Court against the order of detention in jail, Sir George Knox set it aside. THE TRIBUNE (100 YEARS AGO ON JUNE 25 , 1918)


Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the States  -   (1) Subject to the Provisions of this article, there shall be a Public Service Commission for the Union and a Public Service Commission for each State. (2) Two or more States may agree that there shall be one Public Service Commission for that group of States,and if a resolution to that effect is passed by House or,where there are two Houses, by each House of the Legislature of each of those States, Parliament may by law provide for the appointment of a Joint State Public Service Commission to serve the needs of those States. (3) Any such law as aforesaid may contain such incidental and consequential provisions as may be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the purposes of the law. (4) The Public Service Commission for Union,if requested so to do by the Governor of a State, may,with the approval of the President, agree to serve all or any of the needs of the State. (5) References in this Constitution to t...


Proclamation of Emergency  (1) If the President is satisfied that a grave emergency exits whereby the security of India or of any part of the territory thereof is threatened, whether by war or external aggression he may, by Proclamation, make a declaration to that effect [ in respect of the whole of India or of such part of the territory thereof as may be specified in the Proclamation]. (2) A Proclamation issued under clause (1) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Proclamation. (3) The President shall not issue a Proclamation under clause (1) or a Proclamation varying such Proclamation unless the decision of the Union Cabinet that such Proclamation may be issued has been communicated to him in writing. (4) Every Proclamation issued under this article shall be laid before each House of Parliament and shall ,except where it is a Proclamation revoking a previous Proclamation, cease to operate at the expiration of one month unless before the expiration of that period it has been a...